Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ok, I think I'm getting the hang of this …

This fellows name is Wolf …… ok that's just a temporary name.

I'm not to sure abot the green jacket and pants and the purple leggings. Looks like a military ninja. Otherwise I quite like how the character turned out all in all, … actually I quite like it, especially the red strips.

Feedback anyone??????

Greetings & Enjoy


Anonymous said...

Heya Nic,
Sorry for not commenting in such a long time, I've tried it a couple but I can't even comment on my own blog, I don't know why, hopefully'll work this time (crossed fingers)
I very much like the first color theme for you character (post "busy") but I prefer the red being in the back (the second one) but that's just my taste, like the character design otherwise.
As for the new posts, keep up the good work! I see you're getting a good hang on the tablet and your work's seems looser and is improving!! Wolfy's looking really snazy, I'm enjoying his design! If I might suggest; the hands seem a little small and fragile, give him bigger mits, like a proper huge wolf would have, RAARR!! , if you get my idea...
Really good though, looking forward to seeing more!! Keep up the progress!!

Niklas Winter said...

Small hands are more quicker, deadlier, more sleath like …… har har har