Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy Buddha

A piece of work titled "Happy Buddha". I originally wanted to have different religious signs hidden in the picture, but I thought it wouldn't be quite right. So I ended just doing the Buddha.

edit: if the link above doesn't work then here is another one.

Greetings and Enjoy

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Cosmic Trilogy

One of my favorite books is "The Cosmic Trilogy" from C.S. Lewis. You might know the individual books "Out of the Silent Planet", "Perelandra", "That Hideous Strength". If you have not read them, I highly recommend reading them. Although they don't share the simplicity in storytelling of the "Narnia" series, you can see similarities. "The Cosmic Trilogy" is a very unique book, which like Tolkiens "Lord of the Rings" relates the battle between good and evil, only here on a cosmic scale and without all the historical backgrounds etc.
Also the books are written so well, that you have no problem visualizing the worlds and events that appear in the books.
Here's a picture of a creature which appears in the first book "Out of the Silent Planet". It's an intelligent inhabitant of Mars (more intellgent than humans, but live like cave men). The species go about the name of Sorns, not the only race on mars.

The character design is my idea of how a Sorn would look based on the description in the book. It's just a quick sketch that I did in a couple of minutes, so it is a bit rough.
I'll certainly be doing a couple of more illustations and character designs from the book. I'm really looking forward to it.

edit: @ Bhairava: correction propositions?? I know the legs & feet aren't that fantastic, but otherwise I quote like how the head chest turned out.

Greetings and Enjoy

Monday, November 06, 2006

An old little something I inked just for practicing with my wacom ……

The color version I just did in a minute or two for fun ……

Greetings and Enjoy